• Room No-07, Block-01, CGC Jhanjeri Mohali
  • +917087012717


Chandigarh Group of Colleges Jhanjeri is dedicated to establishing a dynamic Naya Savera Foundation NGO committed to fostering meaningful and positive social change. This NGO aims to uplift and empower communities in need, guided by the core values of compassion, integrity, and service. With a steadfast focus on addressing the most pressing societal challenges, the NGO endeavors to create impactful solutions that resonate across various sectors of society.

By working closely with marginalized communities, standing up for vulnerable groups, and encouraging sustainable development, CGC Naya Savera Foundation NGO aims to help build a fairer and more sustainable future for everyone. Its mission is to address immediate needs while also strengthening communities for the long term, making sure that every person has the chance to succeed.

Together For ABrighter Tomorrow

Inspiring Change

CGC Naya Savera Empowerment Projects

Our Areas Of Concern

Education Support

Providing access to quality education & essential learning resources

Health Services

Offering medical care, awareness, & support for specific health needs

Gender Equality

Promoting gender equality & vocational training for women

Disaster Relief

Delivering emergency aid & rehabilitation during crises

Community Development Programs


Good Health & Well Being

Gender Equality

Women Empowerment

Self Efficiency

Quality Education

Social Upliftment