• Room No-07, Block-01, CGC Jhanjeri Mohali
  • +917087012717

Why Do Trees Hold Utmost Significance for Clean Air in Era of Development?

The world has seen significant population growth in the past few decades. To make way for development, trees are being axed, putting an adverse impact on the environment. The planet is now facing the wrath of climate change through events such as torrential rains, floods, and rising temperatures, which in turn trigger multiple natural disasters. While development is essential, it should not come at the cost of environmental degradation. Scientists have long urged governments to reduce carbon emissions and increase tree plantation to ensure a greener future. The Naya Savera Foundation, an NGO of the Chandigarh Group of Colleges, Jhanjeri, has been established with the goal of bringing about real societal change. The foundation has been actively organizing various initiatives to combat environmental pollution. Recently, the NGO, in collaboration with the district administration, conducted a plantation drive at Machli village. Over 100 students enthusiastically participated in this event, which was aimed at fostering a sense of community service and contributing to environmental sustainability.

According to the World Economic Forum, there are currently 3 trillion trees on Earth — only half as many as there were 12,000 years ago when human civilization began. The Forum estimates that 15 billion trees are cut down each year, contributing to the worsening impact of climate change. In response to this, the Naya Savera Foundation is leading the way in promoting sustainability and ensuring a better future for upcoming generations. The foundation believes that nature has done a lot for humanity, and it is now our responsibility to give back to nature that urgently needs support. Research has shown that trees are vital to the environment, as they absorb carbon dioxide and purify the air we breathe.

In addition to organizing drives, the Naya Savera Foundation encourages students to maintain clean surroundings and plant saplings for a better tomorrow through various activities. The foundation’s vision is closely aligned with that of dynamic Managing Director of CGC Jhanjeri, Mr. Arsh Dhaliwal, who is at the forefront of various environmental initiatives. Under his visionary leadership, a recent plantation drive was held on the CGC Jhanjeri campus. Mr. Dhaliwal’s dedication to a green future is evident in the lush-green campus, which actively contributes to healthy environmental practices. It has become the need of the hour to accelerate environmental initiatives to mitigate the future climate-related challenges, making expansion of the green cover necessary. Last year, the then Minister of State for Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey, informed the parliament that the total forest cover of the country was 7,13,789 sq km, accounting for 21.72% of the geographical area of the country. The minister had said the assessment had shown that the total forest cover of the country had increased by 1,540 sq km, and the tree cover by 721 sq km. Planting more and more trees offers numerous advantages for humanity. Trees vital for producing oxygen, and reducing smog, promoting physical activities, reducing stress, and improving the overall quality of life. Trees help reduce greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere and act as natural air conditioners. Moreover, trees are also crucial for the survival of wildlife habitats. Recognising these benefits, the Naya Savera Foundation has been a strong advocate of initiatives that can bring a positive change in society.