• Room No-07, Block-01, CGC Jhanjeri Mohali
  • +917087012717


Our vision is to build a society where every individual has access to opportunities for growth, development, and well-being. We aspire to be catalysts of positive change by actively empowering marginalized communities, safeguarding the environment, and promoting inclusivity in all aspects of life. We aim to create a world where dignity and equality are not just theoretical concepts but practical realities experienced by everyone. Our mission is to make a meaningful impact that not only addresses immediate needs but also fosters long-term resilience and empowerment.

We are dedicated to ensuring that future generations inherit a world where respect, opportunity, and fairness are the norm. Through our efforts, we seek to shape a more equitable and sustainable future, where everyone has the chance to thrive and contribute to a better, more just society for all.

Inspiring Hope forFuture Generations

Empowering Communities

CGC Naya Savera Empowerment Projects

Our Areas Of Concern

Education Support

Providing access to quality education & essential learning resources

Health Services

Offering medical care, awareness, & support for specific health needs

Gender Equality

Promoting gender equality & vocational training for women

Disaster Relief

Delivering emergency aid & rehabilitation during crises

Community Development Programs


Good Health & Well Being

Gender Equality

Women Empowerment

Self Efficiency

Quality Education

Social Upliftment